Specialty coffee shop

Home filter coffee brewing


For the easiest preparation of a great coffee at home, alternative coffee brewing methods are the best for sure.

The course is divided into 2 parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, you’ll learn the journey of a coffee bean, from farm to the cup, including the history, growing, processing and roasting. How these factors affect the final taste will be shown on cupping. Nextly, we will introduce you to the details that affect the brew, such as water quality, grinding, temperature and brewing method. The last part of the course is about brewing itself. We will teach you how to brew several methods, including V60, Aeropress, Clever dripper…

Course outline >

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Course outline

  • A presentation about coffee
    • growing, processing, roasting
  • Cupping
    • 8 samples of a coffee, various origins and processings
    • Discussion about the taste
  • Introduction into the filter brewing factors
    • Coffee : Water ratio
    • Introduction to grinding
    • Extraction time, temperature, turbulence/agitation
  • Practical preparation of:
    • V60
    • Aeropress
    • French press
    • Clever Dripper

At the end of the course, you’ll receive a certificate and a small coffee gift.

Length of course | 3 hours
Number of participants | 2-5 participants

The course takes place in our professional training centre The Roses Barista Academy.

In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at +420 776 617 320 or by email.

Please also keep in mind our cancellation policy.


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