Specialty coffee shop

Nomad Coffee

Kenya Kahunyo AA Washed Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34


| 250 g
Date of roasting
25. 8. 2022
Processing method
1600-1800 m. a. s. l.
Roast profile
Flavour profile

Last piece

Popis kurzu

Sweet and tropical aromas of maracuyá, kiwi and raspberry jam. Flavors of cherry and maracuya. Sweet and silky. This lot is cultivated by smallholders in Murang’a and processed at Kahunyo washing station. Coffee is cultivated at altitudes of 1.600 – 1.800 meters above sea level. The high altitudes provide the warm days and cool nights that help nurture sweet, dense cherries. The washing station is owned and operated by Thikagiki Farmers’ Cooperative Society (FCS).

This lot is composed b SL28 and SL34 varieties, popular in the country due to their deep root structure, which allows the trees to maximize scarce water resources and flourish even without irrigation, and Riuru 11, a new variety known for its disease resistance and high yields.

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