Activities and meetings for baristas. Come to our Barista Academy for educational cupping, workshop, lecture, sensory training or maybe some fun competition!
Barista Playground is organized once or twice a month.
Courses designed for young baristas and beginners with coffee. In these courses, we offer all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical preparation. Correct technique is crucial when it comes to a great coffee. Don’t do mistakes, learn correct preparation from us!
Courses designed for graduates of our Beginner courses and advanced baristas with experience. At this level, we focus on deeper coffee knowledge, understanding advanced techniques, work with refractometer and other tools.
Courses for coffee professionals and highly advanced baristas. These courses are designed with the main focus on sensory skills and also professional techniques and coffee knowledge in details.
Sensory skills are definitely one of the most important skills of a coffee professional. Sensory skills training is a very complex discipline, that requires a professional attitude, equipment and mainly experience.
Advanced latte art techniques is a course suitable for everyone who'd like to learn complex latte art. You'll learn necessary theoretical information, but mainly it's focused on a practice of advanced patterns.
All basic barista techniques in one course. Theory about coffee and espresso and cappuccino preparation. Learn from us how to brew coffee correctly!
This course is suitable for advanced baristas. We will work with the best grinders, refractometer, Kruve sieves and other tools. You'll learn advanced extraction theory and also sensory skills of a filter coffee.
The basic filter brewing course is for everybody who'd like to improve their filter coffee brewing skills, but mainly get familiar with the basic factors that affect the brewing.
Advanced espresso brewing, work with a refractometer, modern distribution techniques, preinfusion and much more. All of this we will teach you on this course. If you'd like to get into espresso in details, this course is for you!
This workshop is for everybody who'd like to learn about the specialty coffee world. It consist of the coffee journes theory about coffee growing, processing and roasting. Then we will have a cupping and taste several brewing methods.
Sensory skills are definitely one of the most important skills of a coffee professional. Sensory skills training is a very complex discipline, that requires a professional attitude, equipment and mainly experience.
Adresa školicího centra IBC centrum
Příkop 838/6, 602 00 Brno
The Roses Co. s.r.o.
Purkyňova 108
612 00 Brno
IČO: 05779723
DIČ: CZ05779723