Specialty coffee shop

Jonas Reindl Coffee Roasters

Colombia Francy Elena Osorio Criollo Washed Castillo, Colombia, Caturra


| 250 g
Date of roasting
7. 11. 2022
Francy Elena Osorio Criollo
Processing method
1500-1900 m. a. s. l.
Roast profile

More than 5 pcs

Popis kurzu

Tarqui lies in the Central Cordillera of the Andes Mountains, with coffee growing in altitudes up to 2000 masl, and witch rich and varied micro climates. The farmers are small, having 1-3 hectares each, and are often organized in groups. One of the is an independent association of small growers called Aso-Tarqui. Member-funded and run, the group collaborates to improve their processing and connect with buyers. The group was formed by Francy Elena Osorio Criollo, a young and talented woman who understands the power of collective in improving coffee quality and access to buyers, and she’s trully dedicated to improving the lives of her community members.

Association includes more than 100 producers that have 1-2 ha of coffee production, big part of them have no infractructure such as roads and internet, needless to say lab facilities. People as well as coffee transported by horses. Only being united in Association they have a chance to internationally market their coffee and mantain processing and quality control procedures.


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