Specialty coffee shop

Sloane Specialty Coffee Roastery

Peru San Fernando


| 250 g
Date of roasting
18. 10. 2022
Cooperatives Valle Incahausi and San Fernando
Processing method
2100-2400 m. a. s. l.
Roast profile

2 in stock

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The coffees are grown under shade covering with close attention paid to the health of the soils and irrigation to help the coffee trees thrive. These coffees are made up of two Cooperatives Valle Incahuasi and Cooperativa San Fernando Together the group encompasses 1000 members who on average handle 1.50 hectares of coffee, with productivity of 20qq /hectare. This equates to about 20 bags of green coffee per farm each harvest. The quality of the coffees from this region is well known and in 2020 one of their producers from Incahuasi placed 1st in the Cup of Excellence with a washed geisha lot. They also had two more producers in the top 10 this year as well. In each area, there is a centralized processing plant where cherry coffee is collected in addition to pulping, fermentation, washing, drying, and temporary storage, to later be transferred to the central warehouse, where sampling and physical and sensory evaluation are carried out by the quality analyst. Natural Process The coffees come from four regions of San Fernando, Pacayamba, Amabamba, and Apaylla and the processing is controlled by the Cooperativa Incahuasi. The majority of the cherry comes from the San Fernando area which produces about 60 – 70 % of the total volume. The process is carried out with good control of a harvest with selective picking and separation of the cherry at the first step. Coffee is then cleaned and washed before being placed on raised African style drying beds.


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